Publisher : McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 edition (January 27, 2003)
Pages : 468 pages
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0071410457
ISBN-13 : 978-0071410458
Referensi yang diterbitkan oleh McGraw-Hill ini menawarkan banyak informasi penting dalam sebuah buku. Apakah Anda seorang profesional, dosen, peneliti, mahasiswa, penulis, atau pembaca umum dengan minat dalam ilmu pengetahuan, tidak ada yang lebih baik dengan mengetahui pemahaman terbaru mengenai ide-ide kunci dan konsep terkait ilmu bumi. Buku yang tebal ini ditulis secara jelas, bahasa yang sederhana sehingga dapat dipahami oleh pembaca umum, namun tetap mendalam.
Ditinjau dari segi kejelasan, kelengkapan, dan ketepatan definisi, McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Science 2nd Edition, menawarkan standar keunggulan yang tak tertandingi oleh setiap publikasi yang sama. Jadi inilah kamus yang Anda perlukan dalam koleksi buku Anda.
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Contoh kamus :
rill erosion [GEOL] The formation of numerous, closely spaced rills due to the uneven removal of surface soil by streamlets of running water. Also known as rilling; rill wash; rillwork. { ril i ro¯ zhən }
rill flow [HYD] Surface runoff flowing in small irregular channels too small to be considered rivulets. { ril flo¯ }
plateau [GEOGR] An extensive, flat-surfaced upland region, usually more than 45–90 meters (150–300 feet) in elevation and considerably elevated above the adjacent country and limited by an abrupt descent on at least one side. [GEOL] A broad,comparatively flat and poorly defined elevation of the sea floor, commonly over 60 meters (200 feet) in elevation. { pla to¯ }
plateau basalt [GEOL] One or a succession of high-temperature basaltic lava flows from fissure eruptions which accumulate to form a plateau. Also known as flood basalt. { pla to¯ bə so˙ lt }
plateau glacier [HYD] A highland glacier that overlies a generally flat mountain tract; usually overflows its edges in hanging glaciers. { pla to¯ ¦gla¯ shər }
plateau gravel [GEOL] A sheet, spread, or patch of surficial gravel, often compacted, occupying a flat area on a hilltop, plateau, or other high region at a height above that normally occupied by a stream terrace gravel. { pla to¯ ¦grav əl }
plateau mountain [GEOL] A pseudomountain produced by the dissection of a plateau. { pla to¯ ¦mau˙ nt ən }
plateau plain [GEOL] An extensive plain surmounted by a sublevel summit area and bordered by escarpments. { pla to¯ pla¯n }
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Science (2nd Edition)
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